Wednesday, 27 February 2013

40mm Alamo part 2

Here is the second in a small series of posts about the development of the Gringo 40's Alamo game for Salute 2013. The first post was before Christmas and covered the building of the chapel. Here is the page if you missed it first time:

and scroll down the page to part 1

Stage two involves making most of the rest of the compound. The game is on a 8ft x 6ft table so the whole Alamo complex model has to be scaled down to fit. I decided to cut out the footprints of the various buildings and lay them out on the boards to see how the arrangement looked. Once I was happy with these buildings I could fill in the gaps.
I have already made the chapel and started the old barracks as you can see but the outlines of the rest of the buildings are clear and you can see the layout. Each board is 2ftx2ft so it gives you the idea of how big it will be.

The buildings are all made from 10mm thick foam board. I used this thick board to give the walls the satisfying thickness that made them look right.
The walls were in very bad repair so I hacked the tops around abit and added small pieces of balsa. I then added daz pronto clay which turned the tops of the walls into decrepit walls.
I also covered the rest of the buildings in Daz.
Once the clay was dry and carved sections of it to look like stone.

It all looked a bit odd at this stage but I then added render all over the structures except  for the carved stone areas. I use internal filler- any cheap stuff that you mix with water and it seems to work well.
The sections now really felt and looked like buildings and I was pleased with the results so far. The final job for now was to start painting so covered them with my usual yellow ochre paint ready for a wash of raw umber and then dry brushing.
I have built 6 sections to go round 3 sides of the compound. I am just missing the north wall but I won''t know the exact size of that until I have all these first sections complete.
That is it for this one. The next one should see these sections finished as well as details on building redoubts and other extra bits.


  1. Excellent I saw it at Salute and just marvelled at its splendor. Just one word - superb. Your best model yet.
